Happy Birth Day: Birth Stories Volume 2

Happy Birth Day: Birth Stories Volume 2
  • (2)
Laufzeit: 16 Minuten
Size: 387.4 MB

Verfügbare Lizenzen

22,50 €    15,01 € Permanent (Zugriff + 1 Brennen)
5,60 €    3,75 € 7 Day Rental


Happy Birth Day: Birth Stories Volume 2, shares three unique and separate stories of expecting mothers and their partner along with supportive hospital staff as they journey through late pregnancy, labor, and birth together.

Each mother shares her own compelling birth story.

Jill - After an apprehensive beginning, Jill finds unexpected strength and powers through an intense labor to a calm birth.

Juliette - Juliette gives birth after a long labor with help from her husband Ryan. Witness their beautiful delivery and his unexpected connection to the birth process and his transformation into a father.

Ana - Ana's plans go awry after her induction doesn't progress and she learns that sometimes "you have to go with the flow."

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